Working at KAPSARC

KAPSARC is searching for talented, open-minded thinkers to add to our growing team. We seek intelligent, creative team players who relish a challenge, share our desire to have a positive impact on society, are not afraid to be original, and are eager to develop and learn.

Working at KAPSARC presents a unique opportunity to have a positive impact on Saudi Arabia and the world. Our success depends on the quality of our people, and we are committed to recruiting the most highly motivated and talented experts and operational staff from a variety of backgrounds.

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Learning Experience

This is an opportunity to learn about your strengths and particular areas of interest and gain practical experience about the different career paths that are available to you. You will gain valuable industry knowledge from any one of our departments, ranging from a specific area of Knowledge and Analysis to one of the operational departments, such as Human Resources or Finance.

An internship is where your career starts and is a great opportunity to establish and build relationships with like-minded professionals, apply your academic learning to real-world situations, and in turn, be included in KAPSARC’s talent pipeline.

Cultivates Innovation

Nimble Learning

Drivers Results


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